可正像他们演绎的这首《You raise me up》歌词里说的: You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains (你激励了我,故我能立足于群山之巅) You raise me up,to more than I can be (你...
4月15日晚,新华社出品、哈萨克斯坦歌手迪玛希演唱的全球第一支原创“抗疫”英文MV《WE ARE ONE(在一起)》全球首发。 短短48小时,迪玛希这首飙出个人最高音的倾情之作,引来1.5亿网友点击...
I pray for you and love you and you are my everything, I pray for you and hope your dreams come true! How vast, long, wide and deep, China is standing tall and firm in the East, Even death can’t separate China from my heart, I pray for you and lov...
I pray for you and love you and you are my everything, I pray for you and hope your dreams come true! How vast, long, wide and deep, China is standing tall and firm in the East, Even death can’t separate China from my heart, I pray for you and lov...
据天眼查APP显示,近期,蜜雪冰城股份有限公司申请注册的“MIXUE I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME”商标被驳回,国际分类涉及啤酒饮料、广告销售。 此前,蜜雪冰城于2019年、2020年申请注册的部分“你爱我我爱你 蜜雪冰城甜蜜蜜”“I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME”商标也曾被驳回。
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